2.2.Define Purchase Order Attributes

In the PO Collaboration’s IMG select “Define Purchase Order Attributes” or enter transaction /DPS/PO_CLB_PAR.

Attributes can be maintained at each of the following combinations:

  • Order Type
  • Purchase Organization
  • Purchase Grop

The current window will open:


Set DefaultWhen this flag is set, PO Collaboration indicator is checked by default (In case PO Collaboration is active for vendor). PO Collaboration indicator can still be updated manually in PO.
Copy To BuyerSends an email copy to the buyer when the email is sent to the vendor.
Update BuyerSends an email when the vendor confirms and do not have any updates.
Buyer Reminder IndicatorEnable/Disable the reminders to the buyer
Conf. UpdateUpdate Confirmations tab in the order
Ackn. UpdateUpdate ‘Order acknowledgment’ field in Confirmations tab with date and time.
Schedule UpdateUpdate delivery date in ‘Statistical Relevant Delivery Date’ field in Delivery schedule tab.
Stat. Del Upd.Check to determined whether Statistics-Relevant Delivery Date value should be updated or not. In case checkbox isn't set, Statistics-Relevant Delivery Date (EKET-SLFDT) should not be changed/copied from source schedule line (in case of split).
External UpdateAllow external confirmation processing during confirmation update (either automatic from confirmation mail or manual via PO collaboration monitor). It will allow, for example, creation of inbound delivery instead of/in addition to standard update of PO schedule lines/confirmations.
ParntDet.Proc.Option to select the Partner Determination Procedure
Output TypeSpecifies the kind of output type to be produced.
Graphic nameGraphic image name

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