2.3.1.Define Partner Determination Procedures

In the PO Collaboration’s IMG select “Define Partner Determination Procedures” or enter transaction /DPS/PO_CLB_PAR_PROC.

The following window will open:



The default procedure is “1STD” if needed you can create other to enable several PO Collaboration behaviors.

Select the Procedure line and press the “Partner” folder on the left panel.

The following screen will open:



In this screen you can link the partner type to the PO Collaboration Determination Method.


These are the available Determination Methods:


Determination method CodeDetermination method DescriptionDescription
BRBuyer ResponsibilityThe buyer of the Purchase Order
VDVendor Distribution ListCurrently Not in use
VUVendor AddressThe vendor of the Purchase Order


Enter the Purchase orders Partner Types that are relevant in your company to the PO Collaboration.

For each partner type set a Determination method.

In the screenshot above the Partner type BU is determined in the PO Collaboration as the buyer and the VU is determined as the Vendor in the PO Collaboration.

This option gives the flexibility to use other Partner types that may have been used in each company.


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