2.2.Define Purchase Order Attributes

In the PO Collaboration’s IMG select “Define Purchase Order Attributes” or enter transaction /DPS/PO_CLB_PAR.

The current window will open:

Scroll vertically to see more customizing fields

In this screen you can maintainthe following parameters to any combination of the following parameters:

  • Order Type
  • Purchase Organization
  • Purchase Group


Copy To BuyerSends an email copy to the buyer when the email is sent to the vendor.
Update BuyerSends an email when the vendor confirms and do not have any updates.
Conf. UpdateUpdate Confirmations tab in the order.
Ackn. UpdateUpdate ‘Order acknowledgment’ field in Confirmations tab with date and time.
Schedule UpdateUpdate delivery date in ‘Statistical Relevant Delivery Date’ field in Delivery schedule tab.
Stat. Del Upd.Check to determined whether Statistics-Relevant Delivery Date value should be updated or not. In case checkbox isn't set, Statistics-Relevant Delivery Date (EKET-SLFDT) should not be changed/copied from source schedule line (in case of split).
Buyer RmdSends the Buyer an email if the vendor do not confirm receiving a reminder email. (Only if reminders are customized in delivery tab.)
ParPrOption to select the Partner Determination Procedure
Out.Specifies the kind of output type to be produced.
NameDescription of the Out. selected
Graphic nameGraphic image name

Yes No
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